Pre-Call Planning

Is it possible that when we think of selling, we first gravitate to outside selling?  What is the environment?  Inside or outside sales?  There are great ideas presented in this discussion, all of which are critical at different portions of the sales cycle.  In my 25+ years, I continue to see one issue repeatedly…failure to plan the call.  We think we can “wing it.”   It doesn’t matter if we’ve been selling one day or 30 years, preparing your call allows you to focus on the dynamics of what is likely to happen.  You plan your introduction, you plan your questions in the order you feel they should be asked (needs assessment) and you craft those questions to get the answers you need to provide a solution to their issues.  You plan the introduction of your materials and support statements and that keeps you from presenting to early.  It also keeps you from throwing up all over your buyer and forces you to listen.  Taking notes during the call also causes you to listen and sends the message to your buyer that you care.  I’m talking about real notes, not on the ipad, phone or computer.  Real notes your buyer can see.  What they are saying is important.  It’s not just about preparing for the initial call, it’s for each and every call through the entire sales process.  Athletes prepare before their games, events, and races, bands practice before their concerts and actors practice before their performances.  Our pre-call planning is the practice before the event and the preparation that prevents the “you know what” performance.

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